Science Field Day Explained

Elementary Science Field Day (ESFD or SFD for short) is sponsored by the San Diego County Office of Education and is hosted at Lakeside Middle School. As long as I have been participating in SFD, it is always held on the Saturday right before Mother’s Day OR the following Saturday, from approximately 8:30-3:00. Schools from all around the county sign up and pay an entry fee to participate. At this time, over 50 teams come to participate in Science Field Day!

SFD is a competitive event centered around science. There are (currently) 15 events offered at Science Field Day, but students only compete in 1-3 individually. They are part of a team of 16 plus 2 alternates (although sometimes we have less).  Each student is assigned two events (or 1, occasionally 3) for which they have to prepare, study, research, practice, and/or build. Each event has its own expectations and guidelines that are prepared and administered by the Event Captains. In addition, on the day of the event, there are many non-competitive science-related activities for students to participate in, as well as fun food, and Mad Science presentations. Even if students do not win a ribbon, it is a fun event.

Mrs. Allard runs the Starry Starry Night event, and will be in the planetarium from 8:30-2:00. She will not be able to chaperone students. Parents are expected to accompany their children, or make arrangements with other parents or adults to supervise.

Students have an opportunity to win ribbons or a first place medal.

Information can be found at the SDCOE website.

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